Friday, November 20, 2015

How to Change Your WhatsApp Phone Number

If you have changed mobile phone numbers but held the same mobile phone, you really do not want to un-install and re-install WhatsApp simply to change numbers. There is a setting up inside WhatsApp in that you can let you to move your WhatsApp account to a different mobile phone number.
change mobile number in whatsappVisit Settings > Account > Change number on your whatsapp. Type in your previous mobile phone number in the above field as well as then your new mobile number in the below field. Then click Done. Validate your new mobile phone number, and all your chat history and groups are going to be migrated to the new mobile number.


if you have already Created a Page on facebook before than this is going to be the Easiest tutorial for you, For those who don’t have any experience in creating a page , Believe me i will keep it Simple just Follow the Below simple steps.
Step 1: Login to facebook and click on Create page or just click Here .
Step 2: Now Click on Company, Organization or Institution (Not mandatory You can click on any.) and Choose aCategory, again you can choose any it doesn’t really matters.
Step 3: Now copy the below characters and paste in the place of name just like shown in below picture and Check the box which says i agree to facebook pages terms.
Facebook page without name[/sociallocker]
Step 4: Now, Click on Get Started, Give a short description and click on “Save info” now you can click on skip, skip and skip .
Step 5:  With this said, We have successfully created a page , But we can see the Characters which we entered earlier, we are making a page without any name or Character. Now in admin panel, click on Edit Page > Edit Settings.
Facebook page without name

Step 6:  Click on “Page info”  , the first thing you will see will be the Name, Click on Edit and use your Backspace key to Delete everything from the box.
Step 7: Click on Save Changes. If you have done all the steps as explained then you must not get any error.
Step 8: Click on View page to check your Facebook Page without Name.
Step 9: Upload a profile picture and Cover photo if you want. Now its Time to Show your Page with No name to your Friends. Try it by Yourself While its Still working.
Note: The Code and the Trick to Create Facebook page without name is not working any more, This trick was working fine at the time of Creating the tutorial. There is still one or two pages on whole of fb which has no name.
Hey guys, Couple of Days ago i was just Surfing Google Chrome webstore and i somehow stumbled upon a Chrome Extension.  Yes,a Chrome extension that will give my Facebook a Whole new look. I was anxious to try it, so i just installed it and checked my facebook. i was surprised to see my facebook homepage have all new look. I found it cool and so i decided to write steps on How to Change Facebook Themes using Chrome Extension
Earlier i have seen many extensions but Recently this one is on Top of my list.So today i decided to share with you all about this particular Extension that will give your facebook a whole new look. With this Facebook Themes Chrome extension, you get to choose your favourite Color and theme.Which is that extension ? How to Install ? How to Use it ? Stay calm, I will show you Complete Procedure step by step, Just stay with me.


Step 1:First of all, Goto the Chrome Web Store, Download and Install Facebook Themes Extension.
Step 2: Install the Facebook Theme Extension by clicking on Free or Add to Chrome Button on Top Right hand Side of the Web page. (Feel free to Check the Reviews about this extension before installing.)
Step 3: It will take just a second to download the Extension, Now Click on Customize and Control Google ChromeButton > Tools > Extensions OR Alternatively you can just Type : chrome://extensions/ in your address bar to show up all installed extensions
Step 4: Now if you have Many Extensions Installed, Look for Facebook Themes Extension and Click on “Option” .Refer to The below picture to get more clear idea about what i am trying to explain here.
Facebook Themes
Step 5: After Click on “Options”  Click on “Explore” Tab to Show up all the available facebook Themes to Choose from.
Step 6: Choose any theme of you choice by Clicking on “Install” , The facebook theme is now installed, Click on Installed tab to verify.
Step 7: By now, every thing is Done. Open Facebook and Check the New theme, You may change it later on by Choosing another theme from the list of Facebook themes provided there.


If you ever feel like switching to the default theme Just Goto Installed tab and Disable the theme.
OR You Can even Disable the Extension by Unchecking the Extension box, Pretty Simple hah ? If you get bored using the same color or facebook themes then you can switch to different themes anytime.
So try it, and Let me know what you think about new Changed Facebook themes in the comment box below, Show it to your friends, let them know about it too.
Today i will Share a short  but a Fun Facebook trick with all you Readers, Most of us Use Facebook and update statuses. Normally when you update your status from mobile, then it shows “via Mobile ” or the Name of the brand of mobile you used to update that status. But what if i tell you we can Post Custom Via Status on Facebook which show like ” Updated via Macbook Pro ” or “iPhone 5” or any other gadget or thing that you don’t even own.
post custom via status on facebook
There may be more funny things coming in your mind already, How about “via Potato ” or “via GTA 5″ or ” via Calculator” why not, it can be anything that you can best think of. So lets move on and see how to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook. Continue reading the below Simple steps, and you will learn it easily.


Step 1: First of all In order to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook, you will need to Create an app on Facebook, Nope thats not hard at all, you dont need to do any Coding, Follow me while i show you how to do it.
Step 2: Click here to goto Facebook Developer page, there if you are asked to register as developer,read this step and if you are not asked and you are already registered then skip to Step 3.
Click on Register as developer and Check the box ” I accept the Facebook Platform Policy and the Facebook Privacy Policy” and Click on Continue > Continue > Done.
Step 3: Now you are Registered as Developer, Now click on Create new app, Next Step is to name your App so Name it any thing that you want to show as “updated via xyz” . Here in my case it will show ” updated via ” as i have named it as you can see in the below Picture. Now click on Continue, Leave everything else as it is.
Post Custom via Status on Facebook
Step 4:  On the next page you will be filling some more details like App domain and Site url, As you can see i have entered my site url in both the Cases. Everything is done now Click on Save Changes. Note the APP ID we will need it in Next Step
Post custom via status on facebook
Step 5: You app is Ready, Now its time to use it. Simply Copy the Below URL, Open new tab in your Browser, Paste it in address bar, You will have to Replace my APP ID with yours in following URL which is Highlighted in Green Color, 649329338451749&redirect_uri=

Also Understand that if you want to Redirect your Friends to your own blog when they try and click on your Custom Via Status, then Replace with yours in the above URL.
Step 6 : Once you have Replaced the app id and Pasted the URL in your address bar, hit enter and boom, you will see something like below Pic,obviously with your app name.
Post Custom via status on facebook
Step 7: Now its time to let your Friends know about this, Write your status and click on Share. You will Be redirected to but its time to check your timeline to see your Custom via Facebook Status.
Conclusion :
So Now in this Article you learned how to Create your own App and how to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook. If In Case you find it Tedious, then i will share one more method, you simply go Here and Click on any name you want as updated via of your choice and you will be taken to the status update page directly.
You might be thinking why so long process when you can do it with this site way to easy? Well, My main aim was to explain the whole process of how it works. and on the above mentioned site, you are limitation to choose the name from the option provided. its always better to make your own choice of custom name .

1) Profile Picture :
·First Thing we see about any Facebook account is thier Profile Picture, If you Find any Facebook Account on your Friendlist suspicious, First thing you will do is Use Reverse Image Search. This helps you find out if Similar Pictures are available on Internet.  First Download the Profile Picture of the account you find suspicious
·Goto Google images Click on Camera icon which says Search by image, Click on Upload an Image, now choose the Picture you  had downloaded earlier , Now once the uploading Completes,
· google will show you Similar Images that already exist over internet.
2) Timeline:
·The Facebook timeline of a Facebook accounts says a lot about that Profile. 
·Most Fake Profiles have “Female” as a gender, this doesn’t Mean all fb accounts with “Female” Genders are Fake, 
·There are many other things to Identify Fake Facebook Account.
·if thier photos folder shows only 1 or 2 Pictures that too of random Celebrities then probably its fake.
·if the Person does not update Status, or if he does, the Comments does not read like his Real friends or the profile does not comments on others status,then its likely to be a Fake profile
·The “About” tab will Give you More information about the Profile,
 if the “About” tab don’t show you any info about the persons profile then thats an indication about fake profile

3) Wait for 1st january:
·This is kind of Funny, Why Would one Wait for 1st jan to Identify Fake Facebook Account, 
Well Fake Profile Makers Most Probably Enter 1st jan as thier birth date while creating Fake account. So on 1st Jan, Facebook will Show you People who have birthdays today. Go through that list and Unfriend them if you dont know them Personally.On 1st jan 2014, i was shocked to see 28 people Having thier birthday, Guess what i performed the above Proccess.

4) Girls Profile :
·Most of the Fake profiles are created with Girl Identity and with a Beautiful face as a Profile Picture, 
·You may even find Cell phone Number, Girls Hardly will Share thier Contact number in Public.
·A girl Profile with Lots of Friends and Followers indicates a Fake Profile.
These were some tips to Identify Fake Facebook Account , 
which i wanted to share with you all, if you find any Fake profile then you and your friends can report it to facebook.

Certainly this is not the end of the world, but be aware that you can also be the victim of an attack by malicious softwares and hackers causing much more damage on your ​ ​Facebook account. It is very important to Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked.Prevent Fb Accounts from Being HackedIndeed , while no software installed on your local system, there is nothing that your local antivirus can detect and your account may be hacked in one-of- hand trick, leading to all sorts of hassles and problems . So today in this article we will discuss some Basic Tips to Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked.



Whenever on Facebook you answer a quiz , install a Facebook game, or add any application , you will be forced to go through an intermediate screen showing what the permissions the application needs . These permissions can include almost anything, which may also include full access to your Facebook account , even when you’re not connected.
In other words, if you do not carefully read the permissions required , you might end up giving more than just personal information, so beware next time and Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked !


Also Beware of videos on Facebook, Spammers are targeting Facebook to Spread links of Spammy videos, Which on your click redirects you and takes control of your fb account to Spam on other fb comments, you might not be even aware that you have commented so and so thing on so and so palce.


Sometimes when you start a video , you receive a notification that you need to install or update a codec , which is necessary and essential to watch the clip.
That may be true, but its often said that codec is actually a Trojan horse . For those who do not know , be aware that antivirus program is blocking it , although it could still slip through the net and suddenly be harmful for you. So be very smart when you come accross this situation and Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked.


If you own Popular Facebook pages, then you may even recieve Messages with names like : Facebook team, Security team, Facebook Security, etc, etc.
The Message would so legit that you will be Forced to click on Some link, Which are actually Cookie stealing apps and eventually you may end up loosing your facebook account so better ignore that message and Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked.
No Facebook team will never Send you such messages, so Dont forget to Report that message.


Facebook continues to work on security even within its platform, but the social giant can not help you to provide your personal information to play a game or a quiz . In addition, a local antivirus will not prevent this error.
Ultimately it is up to you to pay attention and Prevent yourself:
  • Add your phone number and Change its privacy to Only me, So Even if there is any problem in your fb account you may easily get it back by making facebook send you Code to your Mobile. And Changing your Phone number Privacy to Only me Will make sure that other people will not be able to see your Phone number.
  • Add Security Question as a Secondary option to get back your Facebook account. Choose a Question, Answer to which only you know. or add any other Unique answer which nobody knows but make sure you are able to remember it.
  • Add People as Friends that you know personally, Many a times people on facebook adds many other people who they dont even know by thier face. Facebook Asks you to identify Friends in which they are Tagged in.
  • Turn on Notification when you log in to your facebook account, so whenever you login, you get a mail from facebook with information about time, date, Operating system and Browser.
  • Change your Password Frequently, It is said that you must Use your  Password as your Toothbrush. So keep changing it Frequently to Prevent Fb Accounts from Being Hacked


Hey guys apologize for not updating Smarttricks with Fresh Content Regularly in Recent times. But there is a Good News, because i am back with yet another Facebook Trick. Today we will see How to Recover deleted facebook messages,Photos and Videos and much more on facebook.
Basically its a Facebook Feature which not many people are aware of and hence i will be writing this tutorial to let you guys know about this amazing feature/Trick that Facebook Provides.
Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages
Many a times We Delete Messages,Photos or Vidoes from our profile which is not intentional but once we do , we can not undo it. and its gone forever.
But wait, There is a saying: Nothing is Lost, until MOM can’t find it, Likewise in this case even if you delete anything from your facebook account, you can get it back. Facebook have all your data in their archive which you can download too.
Follow the Below simple steps to Know how you can get back and have access to your deleted messages, photos,Videos and all other data of your facebook profile.
Step 1: First of all,You will have to Click here to open Facebook General account Settings.
Step 2: Once you open your general settings, you will see Download a Copy of your Facebook Data, So click on it to.
Step 3: On the Next page you will see a Download Archive Button, Click on it and you will be prompt to enter your Password to Continue, This is a Security Step by Facebook.
Step 4: After entering your Facebook Password, Click on Submit, On the next screen you will be shown that the download link for your data will be sent to your email id which you used to create your facebook account.
Step 5: Wait for Few Minutes, check your mail. You will see a mail from facebook in your Inbox with Downloading link ready for you to download all your data.
Retrieve Deleted Messages,photos and videos on facebook
Step 6: Now After downloading the file. Unzip it and open the folder where you will find your messages, photos, vidoes. Pokes, Friend list etc.
The Files will be in .html format so you will have to double click on the file and select your Favourite Browser to open the file, the File will open up in your browser where you will have access to all your data..
I Hope this guide will help someone or other who didn’t already know that you can actually Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages,Photos and Videos. Don’t forget to Share it with your friends if you like it and you may even Subscribe for New post, to get directly in your mail inbox.


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