Friday, November 20, 2015

WhatsApp Hack

WhatsApp Hack
Welcome to the official site of WhatsApp Hack Spy - The ultimate hacking tool used for spying your desired contact who's using WhatsApp messenger to speak with friends, partners and family with mobile devices (Androind, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows phone, Nokia).
Our tool is not just made for spying purposes, but there are also options to type and send messages from your desired target's WhatsApp account to someone of their contacts. You can also update their status message, and many more! Choose any phone number you want, from any country in the world and hack any desired WhatsApp account in just few minutes!

How to Backup And Restore WhatsApp Chats

WhatsApp creates auto backups of the chats but it’s also possible to make a manual backup of your whatsapp chat. On apple iOS, go to Settings > Chat Settings > Chat Backup, then click Backup Now.
backup whatsapp
On Android mobile phone, simply get into Settings > Chat settings and then click Backup chats to make a backup. It will not backup your media, so you will need to use a file manager to backup the media files in /sdcard/WhatsApp/Media on your mobile.
There is no way to recover chats instantly from WhatsApp, if you would like to recover a backup you are gonna need to uninstall and re-install WhatsApp. While you begin WhatsApp just after the reinstalling your app, make sure you be persuaded to restore your latest backup. Simply adhere to the method and your chats should really all be back.

How to Stop Automatic Media Download in WhatsApp

Although before, WhatsApp plus application was needed to stop automatic downloading of media files such as images, video clips and audio files however now, WhatsApp has included this choice to its configuration settings. So you are able to handle automatic media files downloading.

How to Disable WhatsApp Last Seen Time Stamp

A few of you might need to disable this timestamp for personal privacy reasons. You possibly can disable this time-stamp on both apple iOS and Android operating system mobiles.
Last seen time-stamp give us an some notification about when the user, who you need to chat was on the online. Is definitely excellent feature but the aspect happens to be actually pretty frustrating because it shows if you are online or not. You are unable to hide your self from your close friends and they will continue chatting along with you.

How to Hack the Conversation of Your Friend

Perhaps you have ever before believed that it is possible to hack Whatsapp conversation of the your close friends? It appears actually awesome and an elegant things right? Then ok, i’ll explain to you this awesome trick through which it will be easy to hack your friends Whatsapp chat.
The first and the main element that you should do is, navigate to the MICROSD card and then just click on the Whatsapp and afterwards on the Database choice. Immediately after you are done for just a the first step you’ll get two files such as,
Right after getting these two data files, you need to simply do is get these data files from your friends mobile phone and then you can be very easily can read their chat conversations that they’ve done with their friends.

How To Lock Your WhatsApp

If you are using Android smartphone there is a one excellent application available for WhatsApp Lock , For BlackBerry users also need this locking feature for mobile use this Lock for WhatsApp.

How To Create a Fake Conversation

Found the fake conversations among some celebrities existing on Facebook? Possibly needed to try to do that by yourself? By making use of an application like WhatSaid you can actually make fake chat conversations and enjoy with your friends. Please don’t make use of it to mess up somebody’s life.

How to Change Your WhatsApp Phone Number

If you have changed mobile phone numbers but held the same mobile phone, you really do not want to un-install and re-install WhatsApp simply to change numbers. There is a setting up inside WhatsApp in that you can let you to move your WhatsApp account to a different mobile phone number.
change mobile number in whatsappVisit Settings > Account > Change number on your whatsapp. Type in your previous mobile phone number in the above field as well as then your new mobile number in the below field. Then click Done. Validate your new mobile phone number, and all your chat history and groups are going to be migrated to the new mobile number.


if you have already Created a Page on facebook before than this is going to be the Easiest tutorial for you, For those who don’t have any experience in creating a page , Believe me i will keep it Simple just Follow the Below simple steps.
Step 1: Login to facebook and click on Create page or just click Here .
Step 2: Now Click on Company, Organization or Institution (Not mandatory You can click on any.) and Choose aCategory, again you can choose any it doesn’t really matters.
Step 3: Now copy the below characters and paste in the place of name just like shown in below picture and Check the box which says i agree to facebook pages terms.
Facebook page without name[/sociallocker]
Step 4: Now, Click on Get Started, Give a short description and click on “Save info” now you can click on skip, skip and skip .
Step 5:  With this said, We have successfully created a page , But we can see the Characters which we entered earlier, we are making a page without any name or Character. Now in admin panel, click on Edit Page > Edit Settings.
Facebook page without name

Step 6:  Click on “Page info”  , the first thing you will see will be the Name, Click on Edit and use your Backspace key to Delete everything from the box.
Step 7: Click on Save Changes. If you have done all the steps as explained then you must not get any error.
Step 8: Click on View page to check your Facebook Page without Name.
Step 9: Upload a profile picture and Cover photo if you want. Now its Time to Show your Page with No name to your Friends. Try it by Yourself While its Still working.
Note: The Code and the Trick to Create Facebook page without name is not working any more, This trick was working fine at the time of Creating the tutorial. There is still one or two pages on whole of fb which has no name.
Hey guys, Couple of Days ago i was just Surfing Google Chrome webstore and i somehow stumbled upon a Chrome Extension.  Yes,a Chrome extension that will give my Facebook a Whole new look. I was anxious to try it, so i just installed it and checked my facebook. i was surprised to see my facebook homepage have all new look. I found it cool and so i decided to write steps on How to Change Facebook Themes using Chrome Extension
Earlier i have seen many extensions but Recently this one is on Top of my list.So today i decided to share with you all about this particular Extension that will give your facebook a whole new look. With this Facebook Themes Chrome extension, you get to choose your favourite Color and theme.Which is that extension ? How to Install ? How to Use it ? Stay calm, I will show you Complete Procedure step by step, Just stay with me.


Step 1:First of all, Goto the Chrome Web Store, Download and Install Facebook Themes Extension.
Step 2: Install the Facebook Theme Extension by clicking on Free or Add to Chrome Button on Top Right hand Side of the Web page. (Feel free to Check the Reviews about this extension before installing.)
Step 3: It will take just a second to download the Extension, Now Click on Customize and Control Google ChromeButton > Tools > Extensions OR Alternatively you can just Type : chrome://extensions/ in your address bar to show up all installed extensions
Step 4: Now if you have Many Extensions Installed, Look for Facebook Themes Extension and Click on “Option” .Refer to The below picture to get more clear idea about what i am trying to explain here.
Facebook Themes
Step 5: After Click on “Options”  Click on “Explore” Tab to Show up all the available facebook Themes to Choose from.
Step 6: Choose any theme of you choice by Clicking on “Install” , The facebook theme is now installed, Click on Installed tab to verify.
Step 7: By now, every thing is Done. Open Facebook and Check the New theme, You may change it later on by Choosing another theme from the list of Facebook themes provided there.


If you ever feel like switching to the default theme Just Goto Installed tab and Disable the theme.
OR You Can even Disable the Extension by Unchecking the Extension box, Pretty Simple hah ? If you get bored using the same color or facebook themes then you can switch to different themes anytime.
So try it, and Let me know what you think about new Changed Facebook themes in the comment box below, Show it to your friends, let them know about it too.
Today i will Share a short  but a Fun Facebook trick with all you Readers, Most of us Use Facebook and update statuses. Normally when you update your status from mobile, then it shows “via Mobile ” or the Name of the brand of mobile you used to update that status. But what if i tell you we can Post Custom Via Status on Facebook which show like ” Updated via Macbook Pro ” or “iPhone 5” or any other gadget or thing that you don’t even own.
post custom via status on facebook
There may be more funny things coming in your mind already, How about “via Potato ” or “via GTA 5″ or ” via Calculator” why not, it can be anything that you can best think of. So lets move on and see how to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook. Continue reading the below Simple steps, and you will learn it easily.


Step 1: First of all In order to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook, you will need to Create an app on Facebook, Nope thats not hard at all, you dont need to do any Coding, Follow me while i show you how to do it.
Step 2: Click here to goto Facebook Developer page, there if you are asked to register as developer,read this step and if you are not asked and you are already registered then skip to Step 3.
Click on Register as developer and Check the box ” I accept the Facebook Platform Policy and the Facebook Privacy Policy” and Click on Continue > Continue > Done.
Step 3: Now you are Registered as Developer, Now click on Create new app, Next Step is to name your App so Name it any thing that you want to show as “updated via xyz” . Here in my case it will show ” updated via ” as i have named it as you can see in the below Picture. Now click on Continue, Leave everything else as it is.
Post Custom via Status on Facebook
Step 4:  On the next page you will be filling some more details like App domain and Site url, As you can see i have entered my site url in both the Cases. Everything is done now Click on Save Changes. Note the APP ID we will need it in Next Step
Post custom via status on facebook
Step 5: You app is Ready, Now its time to use it. Simply Copy the Below URL, Open new tab in your Browser, Paste it in address bar, You will have to Replace my APP ID with yours in following URL which is Highlighted in Green Color, 649329338451749&redirect_uri=

Also Understand that if you want to Redirect your Friends to your own blog when they try and click on your Custom Via Status, then Replace with yours in the above URL.
Step 6 : Once you have Replaced the app id and Pasted the URL in your address bar, hit enter and boom, you will see something like below Pic,obviously with your app name.
Post Custom via status on facebook
Step 7: Now its time to let your Friends know about this, Write your status and click on Share. You will Be redirected to but its time to check your timeline to see your Custom via Facebook Status.
Conclusion :
So Now in this Article you learned how to Create your own App and how to Post Custom Via Status on Facebook. If In Case you find it Tedious, then i will share one more method, you simply go Here and Click on any name you want as updated via of your choice and you will be taken to the status update page directly.
You might be thinking why so long process when you can do it with this site way to easy? Well, My main aim was to explain the whole process of how it works. and on the above mentioned site, you are limitation to choose the name from the option provided. its always better to make your own choice of custom name .


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